PPGD Phone: 55 21 2334-0557


History, Constituition and Law Criticism

  • With research based on Brazilian Law History and, in particular, in the Brazilian’s Constitution History, with sociological, philosophical and historical methodologies, the program has a purpose to contribute to criticize the current Law, the Institutions of Justice and the Interpretations of the Constitution. The project aims to investigate methodologies and solutions from other countries, considering the Brazilian reality - and the researches that already exist - and to present creative and critical solutions to the challenges of law and the Institutions in Brazil. The strengthening of the internationalization activities already practiced do not take the focus from the establishment of new internationalization strategies. The PGP seeks to fill the loopholes in development and monitoring of defined internationalization actions, seeking to understand the impact on the performance of the strategies adopted . The rupture of the boundaries, usually thought internally in the legal community, provides the contact with different countries systems, leading global axiological awareness charge and citizenship on members of the educational Institute. The promotion is crucial for the commitment of the Program on it is active politics of implementation of international actions. The program, based on it is needs and particularities, establishes a plan for optimize the access to global knowledge. Therefore, the program establishes relationships with the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Argentina and Portugal through agreements with the following Universities: NEW UNIVERSITY OF LISBON, HAGUE ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY OF TOULOUSE, UNIVERSITY OF LYON, UNIVERSITY OF BUENOS AIRES, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LITORAL, PARIS NANTERRE UNIVERSITY (PARIS 10), FRIEDRICH SCHILLER UNIVERSITY JENA, MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR EUROPEAN LEGAL HISTORY (FRANKFURT), MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE (LUXEMBOURG), UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, SCHOOL OF LAW HARVARD, HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL, YALE UNIVERSITY, NORTHEASTEARN UNIVERSITY OF BOSTON, UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX, UNIVERSITY OF PARIS 8, MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY, SPANISH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG, UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE.